Current as of 14:03 on the 25th August 2015


Maxi Fire Rated Doors
Door ID Type Height Width Thickness Facing QTY
A78 Maxi 1990 750 47 PLY 1
A8 Maxi 2009 878 47 DC 1
A15 Maxi 2015 804 47 PLY 1
A10 Maxi 2015 810 47 SPM 1
A58 Maxi 2019 806 47 PLY 1
A3 Maxi 2025 808 47 SPM 1
A42 Maxi 2025 815 47 DC 1
A68 Maxi 2030 600 47 PLY 1
A51 Maxi 2030 806 47 PLY 1
A56 Maxi 2030 807 47 PLY 1
A19 Maxi 2035 845 47 DC 1
A81 Maxi 2040 750 47 PLY 1
A65 Maxi 2040 760 47 PLY 1
A4 Maxi 2040 805 47 PLY 1
A77 Maxi 2040 820 47 PLY 1
A76 Maxi 2040 970 47 PLY 1
A73 Maxi 2040 971 47 PLY 1
A9 Maxi 2042 810 47 PLY 1
A1 Maxi 2043 799 47 PLY 1
A86 Maxi 2045 810 47 PLY 1
A85 Maxi 2045 870 47 PLY 1
A20 Maxi 2045 920 37 SPM 1
A87 Maxi 2065 800 47 PLY 1
A61 Maxi 2065 900 47 PLY 1
A49 Maxi 2083 750 47 DC 1
A64 Maxi 2100 591 47 DC 2
A62 Maxi 2125 900 47 PLY 1
Maxi Fire Rated Pairs
Door ID Type Height Width Thickness Facing QTY
A63 Maxi 2021 894 47 PLY 2 (Pair)
A53 Maxi 2040 890 47 DC 2 (Pair)
A2 Maxi 2090 884 47 DC 2 (Pair)
Mini Fire Rated Doors
Door ID Type Height Width Thickness Facing QTY
A14 Mini 1750 772 37 PLY 1
A55 Mini 1842 823 37 DC 1
A48 Mini 1922 778 37 DC 1
A52 Mini 1933 735 37 PLY 1
A16 Mini 1987 814 37 DC 1
A75 Mini 1990 975 47 PLY 2
A74 Mini 1995 755 37 DC 1
A5 Mini 2000 855 37 PLY 1
A72 Mini 2010 540 37 PLY 1
A71 Mini 2010 800 37 MDF 1
A59 Mini 2015 861 37 PLY 1
A79 Mini 2018 820 37 PLY 1
A80 Mini 2020 820 37 PLY 1
A60 Mini 2023 768 37 DC 1
A17 Mini 2025 710 37 MDF 1
A66 Mini 2027 790 37 DC 1
A18 Mini 2030 705 37 MDF 1
A47 Mini 2030 802 37 PLY 1
A57 Mini 2035 855 37 PLY 1
A54 Mini 2035 864 37 PLY 6
A43 Mini 2036 730 37 PLY 1
A84 Mini 2040 840 37 MDF 1
A13 Mini 2040 915 37 PLY 1
A82 Mini 2045 810 37 PLY 1
A6 Mini 2045 900 37 PLY 1
A7 Mini 2052 910 37 PLY 1
A11 Mini 2055 920 37 MDF 1
A70 Mini 2065 780 37 PLY 1

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If the product you are looking for is not listed, you cannot find the product you require or you are looking for project quantities, contact us with your specification details and we will discuss your requirements and provide you a written quotation.

Our online store contains a standard range of doors, components and frames for common wall types but should you require pressed metal door frames for AFS, Dincel, Hebel, Powerpanel, Rapidwall, Ritek Wall, Speedpanel, Speedwall or Kingspan wall systems contact us for a written quotation or to seek advise on suitable frame configurations.

Due to the bulky nature of our products, delivery charges are calculated following confirmation of your order and dependant on delivery location, quantity and size of the products required. Our sales staff will contact you prior to the commencement of manufacture to finalise delivery costs. Pick up is welcome from both our NSW and QLD factories and you are wecolme to arrange your own transport if you have arrangements in place with a suitable freight carrier.

All pricing unless otherwise stated is provided in Australian Dollars ($AUD) excluding GST.