The following links are a number of documents we have found when searching for answers in relation to bushfire ratings.
We do not endorse any of the following information and provide these links for you to assess the information and form your own opinion in terms of requirements.
We are hoping in due course to be able to offer a more comprehensive offering in terms of products for bushfire areas and are working with the National Association of Steel-Framed Housing INC who are actively involved in the research for and development for standards and economical products to assist builders in compliance with the relevant requirements.
If you come across information you find helpful in terms of bushfire ratings and build requirements, please email us a copy of the information and we will upload the document to our web site and include a link to the document on this page to share with others who are seeking information on building in bush fire prone areas.
AWA guide to Windows and Doors in Bushfire Prone Areas
NSW Rural Fire Service Building Elements in the Flame Zone
If you are the copywright owner of any listed document and want the document removed contact us with the document title and contact details.