The current Australian Standard covering the Design and Manufacture of Fire Resistant Doorsets is AS1905.1-2005. The current testing standard referenced by this standard is AS1530.4-2005.

Changes from the previous revision of these standards (AS1905.1-1997 and AS1530.4-1997) incorporated more stringent testing requirements which in effect makes it next to impossible to have a test passed without backfilling of the frame.

Changes to these standards were not retrospective, i.e. if a system was tested and approved under the 1997 revision of the standard it is still acceptable for use under the current requirements of the BCA. However, whilst acceptable under the BCA this may not be acceptable to your client who may insist on certification to the current revision of the standards.

If you consider a full scale fire test for a fire resistant door frame, the test may have occurred under the 1997 standard revision but as the changes are not retrospective, this product is still acceptable for use.

This creates a complexity for the certifier which is often overlooked.

If a product was tested and approved under AS1905.1-1997 whilst this product is acceptable for use it cannot be certified to AS1905.1-2005.

The appropriate way to ascertain which standard should be referenced on your certification documentation is to review a copy of the fire test certificate which should be available from the manufacturer of the Fire Resistant Doorset.


Article by:    Peter Mole

Company:    Taylors Doors and Frames Pty Ltd

Date: 30th January 2015

Article provided to AWCI for general information and published in their association publication "25th Edition Autumn 2015, Page 31".