Pricing for Maxi Fire Resistant Pairs assumes equal leaf widths. If unequal leaf widths are required this is to be notified at the time of order. All Maxi Fire Resistant Pairs supplied by Taylors Doors and Frames includes the loose supply of T-Bar meeting stiles.
Maxi Fire Resistant Double Leaf Hinged Door - Ply Paint Grade Facing Max FRL ---/120/30
Info Width (mm)
Height (mm) up to 1640 1641 to 1840 1841 to 2400 2401 to 3000
up to 2045 Info Info Info POA
2046 to 2130 Info Info Info POA
2131 to 2400 Info Info Info POA
2401 to 3000 POA POA POA POA
If the door you require is wider or higher than the sizes listed above contact us to discuss your specific requirements. Maxi Fire Resistant Double Doors are supplied with a T-Bar Meeting Stile as standard and is included in the listed cost.